Lo último para defender tu auto de los ladrones

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La seguridad de tu unidad es lo más importante

Incluso con lo último en tecnología, los ladrones siempre se las pueden arreglar.

It sounds obvious that fitting an alarm can improve the security of your vehicle, but many people might not know that their car doesn’t actually have one.Often, if you buy an entry-level trim, even if it has remote central locking it might not have an alarm. Think about buying a Thatcham-approved system – these are recognised by insurers and help improve security, as well as cutting your insurance premium because of the lower theft risk.

Coloque una alarma en su vehículo

Por obvio que parezca, mucha gente no acostumbra instalar uno de estos simples, pero efectivos dispositivos.

If a vehicle has a Thatcham-approved alarm system, it means that the Thatcham Research Centre – which works closely with manufacturers – has passed it as fit to secure a car to a certain level.Categories range from 1 to 7. Category 1 is an electronic alarm and immobiliser, Category 2 is an electronic immobiliser on its own, Category 3 is a mechanical immobiliser while Category 4 is a wheel-locking device.Categories 5, 6 and 7 relate to post-theft vehicle tracking and location devices. For more information, visit Thatcham’s website.

Utilice una alarma certificada 

Es muy importante que cuando instale en su vehículo una alarma, revise que ésta cuente con la certificación pertinente

You may want to fit an aftermarket alarm quickly once you realise the lengths to which some thieves will go to steal your car – or even just parts from it.A series of break-ins to the previous generation Audi RS4 piqued the interest of insurance companies after thieves were leaving the car itself but pinching the expensive front bucket seats.One owner’s car had to be written off, as the cost to replace the items in his 2007 car was a staggering £19,000. Together with the damage caused during the break-in, this would have exceeded the value of his £26,000 RS4.

¿Por qué es importante una radio integrada? 

Si el ladrón consigue ingresar a tu auto no podrá llevarse el equipo de sonido

Even if you don’t own an Audi RS4, you might be scouring the internet now for an alarm to protect your little trinkets locked up inside your car. If you are, it’s worth finding one with a built-in immobiliser if your vehicle isn’t fitted with one as standard.There are two different types of immobiliser: electronic and mechanical. The electronic devices work by disabling power to the ignition circuit until a special coded fob is picked up in close proximity to a sensor. This electronic code then effectively unlocks the ignition circuit, allowing you to start your car.Instale un inmovilizador eléctrico 

Este dispositivo asegura que su auto se detenga luego de cierto tiempo que arrancó sin que se ocupara la llave

Mechanical immobilisers are more commonly known as steering locks. And although they may have died a death along with the cassette tape, they actually do significantly help security.Not least because a big yellow disc made of metal and covering the steering wheel, often locking out the gear lever and handbrake in the process, is quite a deterrent to a would-be car thief. They are extremely stubborn things, too, so it is unlikely to come off in a hurry even if your vehicle does get broken in to.La dirección antirrobo 

Este dispositivo le impide al ladrón tener control sobre el volante

If your car is particularly rare or expensive, it might be a high-priority target for thieves, with many high-end luxury and sports cars being stolen to order these days. It might, therefore, be worthwhile fitting a tracker – some insurance companies may even force you to do so as a condition of your insurance.These tiny devices use a beacon that can be tracked by GPS. If you report your car stolen, the tracker company will automatically begin logging the position of your vehicle and the information is relayed to the police. This way you stand a strong chance of getting your pride and joy back in one piece.Coloque un rastreador en el auto 

Existen algunas empresas que ofrecen los servicios de localización a través de GPS

To give customers even more peace of mind, the GPS tracking company Tracker has just launched a new guarantee, saying that if it can’t locate a customer’s stolen vehicle within 48 hours, it will refund the service’s subscription fee.That’s putting your money where your mouth (or hopefully your customer’s stolen vehicle) is. It’s confident though – 95% of vehicles are returned to their owners, with 86% of those recovered within 24 hours.¿Cuál es la efectividad del GPS? 

El GPS te ayuda a localizar tu vehículo en un rango de 48 horas

Unless your car is particularly expensive or rare, meaning it could be a targeted theft, plenty of car break-ins are conducted by opportunist thieves looking to steal whatever they can.Just as a big, bright steering lock provides a deterrent, a mobile phone, a sat-nav unit or even a laptop bag – whether it has a computer in it or not – can prove enticing. Lock things away in the glove box well out of sight, or put them in the boot. Many modern cars even have hidden underfloor storage for this very purpose.No deje objetos a la vista 

Muchos robos son a causa de ladrones que vieron algún objeto dentro del vehículo al pasar cerca de él

Other easy targets for car thieves include alloy wheels, with online auction sites making it easy for them to sell the hot property quickly and with next to no trace. There is a way to combat this though.Wheel nuts are accessible and easy to undo for the most part, meaning your car could be left standing on bricks. However, by fitting locking wheel nuts – a special type of anti-tamper wheel-securing device that needs a certain shaped ‘key’ to undo the wheel – you can help improve security. Wheel nut covers (as pictured above) can also help.Instale pernos de seguridad 

Uno de los artículos más robados en autos estacionados son las llantas

If you’ve got a garage, use it. If you say to your insurance company you will store your car in a locked – even alarmed – garage, it could cut your insurance premium, not to mention improving security.One, a locked garage is harder to break into, and two, if a criminal does manage to break in, a burglar alarm is more than likely to scare them off. We know this is not possible for everyone, but if you have the option, use it.

Estacione su automóvil en un garaje 

Haga cuentas, vale la pena invertir en un lugar seguro antes de dejar su carro en la calle

Just as you might lock your car away at night, you should really think about doing the same thing with your car keys. Or at least hide them in a safe place away from your front door.Do you have a cupboard, dresser or bowl just inside the entrance to your house? Thieves break in and check these common spots for keys – sometimes even using fishing rods through the letterbox to extract them. If your car is stolen on the key, you might have a hard job securing an insurance payout.Mantenga sus llaves a la vista 

Traer las llaves en su bolsillo es mucho más seguro que dejarlas en una mesa

Although it has been around for a while, stealing a car with the keys is still a growing area of vehicle theft. According to the tracking experts Cobra, 70% of cars fitted with its system are stolen with their keys, while the average value of cars stolen and recovered last year rose £6,000 to £40,000.As you can tell, this is big business, and with expensive cars using special computer-coded transponder keys unique to that vehicle, it’s now very difficult to steal a car without the key. Which is why thieves are going after them by breaking into your house at night.¿Cuántos coches son robados con la clave? 

A pesar de las nuevas tecnologías, los ladrones se la siguen arreglando

If you’re not fortunate enough to have a garage – lockable, alarmed or otherwise – then make sure you park in a well-lit area in a spot visible by other houses.This will put car thieves off that little bit more (especially combined with a good steering lock, alarm and immobiliser combination) meaning that they might just leave your vehicle alone. Even if they do attempt to break in, the noise might disturb someone who sees something.Estacione su auto en un lugar iluminado 

En caso de que no cuente con un garaje, trate de ubicar un lugar con luz en la calle para su carro

It sounds crazy, but you should also ensure your car’s number plate fixings are secure. It’s all too easy for an opportunist passer-by to undo both your front and rear plates – it’s so simple that you can sometimes even undo the plastic screws with your thumbnail.If your car does have its number plates stolen, tell the police immediately. This could escalate into some unscrupulous individual(s) cloning your car, racking up speeding tickets and/or performing other criminal activity in a vehicle that has the appearance of being yours.Guarde sus placas 

Puede sonar loco, pero hay muchas personas que se roban la matrícula para clonar vehículos

It might sound obvious, but if you’re parking up at a train station on your way to work, keep an eye out for suspicious-looking vehicles loitering around the car park.These could be thieves looking to steal your vehicle’s catalytic converter. The precious metal inside the cat is worth a lot of money when weighed in for scrap – a thief with cutting material in the back of their van could saw through your exhaust and remove the catalytic converter in only a few minutes, leaving you well out of pocket.Esté atento a personas extrañas 

Puede parecer obvio, pero es importante estar siempre alerta a cualquier cosa fuera de lo normal

If you own a classic car, the chances are it’s not as secure as a modern vehicle and extremely easy not only to break into, but to hotwire and drive away without the key, too.If that’s the case, you should seriously consider the points above. Even if you start with a steering lock, think about an aftermarket alarm and immobiliser – you can still purchase items that are discreet and don’t ruin the period look of your vehicle, but will dramatically improve security and peace of mind if you leave it anywhere.Cuide su auto viejo 

Si usted tiene un coche antiguo, será blanco de los ladrones mucho más que uno nuevo

By marking certain parts of your car with special invisible, indelible markers, small computer chips or even grinding something onto a metal part out of sight, if something of yours gets stolen, you have a description and more information to give to the police.If they recover any stolen parts – such as a set of super-expensive Audi RS4 front seats, for example – you get to keep your pride and joy and return it to its former glory. More of a reactive than a preventative measure, but one that works all the same.Coloque marcas identificables 

Hoy en día es posible instalar un chip en la carrocería para personalizar tu vehículo

As we mentioned earlier, some entry-level vehicles don’t come fitted as standard with an alarm system. While most new cars have an immobiliser, it might be better when specifying your new car to go for a grade higher that includes an alarm, or opt for a factory-fitted device from the off.This could save you time and money down the line, not to mention lowering your insurance premiums compared to a similar vehicle without an alarm. The money you save on insurance could pay for the security feature itself.Elija un auto seguro 

Puede optar por un coche mucho más seguro y más económico

As the market catches up to prevent thieves from stealing vehicles, the criminals will always develop new methods – and the next one looks as if it will be computer hacking cars to take control of their on-board systems.The electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla has already experienced this. The accounts owners use for on-board multimedia systems are protected by a relatively simple password and, according to reports, it means computer hackers could take control of certain features on your car, such as unlocking the doors.It’s not hard to see this stretching to starting the engine, selecting a gear and using the throttle in the future, so it won’t be long before we need serious anti-virus protection and hefty firewalls on our cars’ electronic systems.Tenga cuidado con los hackers 

El futuro en los robos de vehículos está en los ataques cibernéticos en sus sistemas

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